KarmaKrew Livonia - BASES | 1PP | VANILLA + FEATURES

KarmaKrew Livonia - BASES | 1PP | VANILLA + FEATURES
Server Information
Hostname KarmaKrew Livonia - BASES | 1PP | VANILLA + MODS
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 26 / 80
Location Germany
Version 1.27.159586
Platform Windows
Map enoch
Website https://karmakrew.tv
Registered by KarmaKrew
Registered since March 28th, 2024 03:16 PM EST
Last update November 13th, 2024 06:11 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 73
Score 6
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

# KarmaKrew Livonia

KarmaKrew livonia focuses on a basebuilding approach while still being good for beginner players. It’s a DayZ server that focuses on good balancing, unique content that all fits within the original DayZ vanilla style.

What you can expect from our server:
* A well balanced loot economy.
* Extra guns from the 2000-2010 era.
* Cool Custom Treehouses.
* Spray paints to camouflage your weapons and armour.
* A special Toxic zone only accessible by Helicopter.
* Active server Admins.
* Rebalanced gun damage.
* New and unique Dynamic events (Plane Crashes, Hunter Camps, Civilian Camps & Medical Convoys.)
* Unique new map locations for improved gameplay and exploration.

Server Info:
* Restarts 3 times a day
* Slots: 50 players.
* Active admins and server developers
* Active Discord with ticketing system (Join by clicking the button at the top)
* Awesome and helpful community in discord's #general chat
* Improved Vanilla Gameplay

We hope to see you on the servers.
Good Luck & Have Fun!

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