KarmaKrew Namalsk #2 - HARDCORE | 1PP | VANILLA + FEATURES

KarmaKrew Namalsk #2 - HARDCORE | 1PP | VANILLA + FEATURES
Server Information
Hostname KarmaKrew Namalsk #2 - HARDCORE | 1PP | VANILLA + FEATURES
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 29 / 50
Location Germany
Version 1.25.158396
Platform Windows
Website https://karmakrew.tv
Registered by KarmaKrew
Registered since March 28th, 2024 12:19 PM EST
Last update April 13th, 2024 06:00 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated Hardcore

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 77
Score 6
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

# KarmaKrew Namalsk #2

Explore Hardcore Namalsk on the KarmaKrew server and find that you will enjoy a well balanced server with unique features that will all fit within the vanilla DayZ style. We focus on the best immersion and high quality mods that will make sure it adds to the core game.

What you can expect from our server:
* A well balanced loot economy.
* Extra guns from the 2000-2010 era
* Cool custom toxic shipwreck events
* Spray paints to camouflage your weapons and armour.
* LEHS Suit Repair kit
* Active server Admins.
* Rebalanced gun damage.
* GAUS rifle in Lantia
* Unique new map locations for improved gameplay and exploration.

Server Info:
* Restarts 3 times a day
* Slots: 40 players.
* Active admins and server developers
* Active Discord with ticketing system (Join by clicking the button at the top)
* Awesome and helpful community in discord's #general chat
* Improved Vanilla Gameplay

We hope to see you on the servers.
Good Luck & Have Fun!

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