Black Winter | HC Survival | +Medical/Skills | Organic RP |

Black Winter | HC Survival | +Medical/Skills | Organic RP |
Server Information
Hostname Black Winter | HC Survival | +Medical/Skills | Sakhaltraz | 1PP
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 1 / 30
Location United States of America
Version 1.27.159586
Platform Windows
Registered by Doc
Registered since January 9th, 2025 01:57 PM EST
Last update March 22nd, 2025 09:35 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated Hardcore

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 115
Score 6
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Notable Mods:

NCPR, Terje Medical and Terje Skills, Boomlays Things, Dayz Horse, Drugs Plus, Snafu Weapons, sGunplay, Building Fortifications,

Hello DayZ Fans,

Explore Sakhal in a hardcore survival setting designed to humble even the most seasoned player. Make no mistake, this is a very hard server to survive on. Once you have mastered the survival mechanics explore Sakhal as never before imagined with custom locations scattered across the map. Imagine if you will, short stories illustrating humanities last stand that survivors can interact with. Build bases and storage by salvaging from the landscape and move through POI's and create your own survivor story.

What makes this server hardcore ?

I've stripped the economy down by about 55% to give the world that, once picked over look and feel. When you do find precious loot, you'll have to make hard choices as inventory management will be an issue. The weather is brutally cold and you'll need to constantly manage that. Terje Medicine adds dozens of medical mechanics and ailments that just make sense to me in a post apocalyptic world. You will have to manage puncture wounds, bullet wounds, perform surgery, use needles and dispense the correct medication or suffer fatal consequences. Your survival here will depend on skill, discipline, and just a little luck.

Level up skills by through practical real world tasks.. Level up and choose your own path in character development. Skill development has a very notable and practical benefit to your character and death costs you a loss of skill in each skill line.

Story telling?

We have a passion for visual story telling. Custom POI's ranging from defended homes to full blow out door mazes stand ready to challenge you with encounters most have never seen before. We currently have 4 story tellers pumping out content.

So, this is a care bear, RP, PVE Server then ?

No. I like to think of this as a story driven server and my target audience are those who enjoy telling and participating in a story. DayZ magic is having your story messed right up because of DayZ reasons and for that I welcome all players and play styles. Basically, don't be a jerk, don't be toxic, and don't cheat in any way. Try contributing to the story or take the time to develop and play out your, what would you do in the post apoc story... There are lots of places for PVP Go-hards and this isn't one of those. But no one is going to ban you because you shot first fair and square. Everyone has a better time with the anxiety of a potential fire fight around every corner. Because of the servers difficulty it makes sense to approach each interaction with caution, there is strength in numbers. But there is also safety in using your advantage to upgrade your means.. Survive at all costs... Choice is yours.

Lore and story development

I keep going back to story because to me the world we're building is very story driven. We are very loosely based on STALKER Lore ( not in any way officially affiliated with GSC Gameworld Industries or the STALKER Franchise ). Our "Zone" isn't the exclusion area, it's an island of extreme mystery and generally bad things. There are a lot of assets in the world to give it that STALKER Vibe. In terms of development, we're just on chapter 1 and full of ideas to really flush things out.

Things to know about our world

Zombies have slightly boosted loot to offset the barren economy, you risk serious injury fighting them however so, risk vs. reward. You won't find Suppressors, NVG's or get a car running any time soon and you won't be able to drive to the military island mow down enemies and win DayZ. This is a much slower pace game, a much more immersive world. Hope to see you in it.