Taking Back: Chernarus | Hardcore | RP | Quests | Terje

Taking Back: Chernarus | Hardcore | RP | Quests | Terje
Server Information
Hostname Taking Back: Chernarus | Hardcore | RP | Quests | PVPVE | Terje
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 6 / 32
Location United States of America
Version 1.27.159586
Platform Windows
Registered by LibertyJack
Registered since December 4th, 2024 02:39 PM EST
Last update February 5th, 2025 01:44 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated Hardcore

Discord Server

Vote(s) 129
Rank 15
Score 197
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Server Name: Taking Back: Chernarus

Discord: https://discord.gg/takingback

Region: USA Based

Server Owner: LibertyJack

With about 4000hrs played on servers in DayZ, I wanted to finally create my own server and I wanted to take a moment to list out my vision for the Taking Back DayZ Community & Servers. At its core I want a Hardcore survival Roleplay (RP) style server that has players really using the survival aspects of the game (Harvesting food, fruit, fish, staying warm, and healthy.)

We have a desire for players to "Take Back" what was lost. To accomplish this we have established player run communities. Players can take over a village or town and make it into a place for people to live, trade, and protect from the wild animals, infected and AI or other players who might seek to take what is not theirs.

Taking Back: Chernarus has are over 52 quests for solo and groups to complete either daily or weekly. Custom Monthly Events with prizes and rewards. We have Seasonal Changes (including map changes and changes to animal and food spawns) Player Custom Factions Available on a first come first server basis and more!!
