Project ALPHA | PvE Only

Project ALPHA | PvE Only
Server Information
Hostname Project ALPHA|PvE Only|50K Start|Cars/Helis|Keycards|Mutants
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 1 / 40
Location United States of America
Version 1.25.158344
Platform Windows
Registered by wxndr
Registered since June 14th, 2024 09:02 PM EST
Last update June 14th, 2024 09:02 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 81
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Our DayZ Server features well crafted modifications, heavy gameplay enhancements, and awesome refined core mechanics. We're open to all feedback and consider every players ideas. We care for our players, and would love to have you try our servers. More information on which modifications, our servers, and rules can be found in our public community discord below.

> Features

- PvE Only
- Cyber Gear / Sci-Fi Gear / Fantasy Gear
- Mutants / Creatures
- Custom Object Searching
- Automatic Repair Barrels
- Mag Loaders
- Heavily Boosted Loot
- DNA Keycard Strongholds
- Locked Timed Crates
- Alien Invasions
- Blood Plague
- Dark Horde
- Dog Companions
- 1000+ Collectibles
- 500+ Weapons
- Cars
- Helicopters
- Boats
- Motorcycles
- Clans
- Boss Areas
- Gem and Ore Mining
- Underground Bunkers
- Modded Base Building
- Easy Learning Curve
- Player to Player Markets

*If this interests you, feel free to contact me for a lucky chance at helping test our DayZ server.*