Server Information
Hostname -RATRACE-
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 20
Location United States of America
Version 1.25.158344
Platform Windows
Website https://zfadayz.wixsite.com/ratrace
Registered by zfaRatz
Registered since June 11th, 2024 05:18 AM EST
Last update June 13th, 2024 03:23 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 125
Score 5
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Location: North America (West Coast)
PORT: 2302

Introducing The RatRace, a specialized DayZ server crafted to deliver a captivating and distinctive survival adventure. Designed for both newcomers and veteran survivors, our server offers challenging gameplay within a hospitable community.

Gameplay Style: Mostly PVP

Server Type: Community
Game Mode: PvP/PvE

Server Features:

Visit our website for the complete list of mods.

Custom Rules:
Access our website at https://zfadayz.wixsite.com/ratrace/pvp-rules for the full set of rules.

Server Rules:
- No Cheating or Hacking: We have zero tolerance for cheating and hacking.
- Respect Other Players: Courtesy and respect for fellow survivors are paramount.
- No Griefing: Refrain from excessive base raiding or harassment.

Community: Our vibrant and supportive community is always ready to assist and collaborate.
Key Server Settings:

Weather: Authentic weather patterns with spontaneous events.
Zombie Count: Moderately increased to enhance the challenge.
Player Slots: 20

How to Join:

Open DayZ and navigate to "Multiplayer."
Look for "-RatRace-" in the server list.
Select to join and embark on your survival quest.
Contact Information:

[Server Website]: https://zfadayz.wixsite.com/ratrace

[DISCORD Link]: https://discord.gg/HW7Y6ypzPh

Dedicated to forging a demanding yet rewarding DayZ experience, we invite you to explore, engage, and endure in our dynamic post-apocalyptic landscape. Join The RatRace today and integrate into our expanding community of survivors!