
Server Information
Hostname Caramel++ Sakhal--||Survival-PVP|| ||Groups|| ||Helis||
Status Checked 5 minutes ago / Online 1 day ago
Players 0 / 60
Location Germany
Version 1.26.158898
Platform Windows
Map chernarusplus
Registered by Dizzle
Registered since May 20th, 2024 07:50 AM EST
Last update May 20th, 2024 07:50 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated
Vote(s) 0
Rank 4431
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Pvp Dayz Server
Max 6 per group
3 types of airdrop - Car - Container - Crate
Custom Key Card Rooms
DNA Keycards
RA Base Building - The New Best Building Mod In Dayz
3D Printer - find filament and print rare items like guns helmets and even base supplies
Nightwolf Helis - shoot from helis!
CZ auto cars - Evo IX, WRX, BMW M5 etc 20+ to choose from that all drive great
Hidden Stashes around the map
FOG clothing mod - endless military clothing combos with custom armor values
Advanced Groups
Spawn Select
Virtual Garage - have a garage at base!
Sleeping Bags

Plus Lots More!!