
Server Information
Hostname TheBookofEli-PVE(PVP-Zones)/Apocalytic-Chernarus/Nuke/AI/BaseBu
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 6
Location Germany
Version 1.24.157828
Platform Windows
Registered by The_Book_of_Eli
Registered since April 22nd, 2024 02:23 PM EST
Last update April 23rd, 2024 04:03 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated Hardcore
Vote(s) 1
Rank 199
Score 4
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Hello and welcome to THE BOOK OF ELI!!


!!! NEW Address: !!!


MAP = PVE + PVP Zones (with Outlaw system) pls check my discord

Start: Hard - Hardcore .... Equipped: normal

Baseraid are NOT allowed!
(This rule only applies within player territories. Vehicles, tents, boxes, etc. OUTSIDE of player territories are not affected by this regulation and can be hijacked without consequences. Tip: Lock your stuff by codelocks outside of your base!)

Ingame press "b" to open Book for further Server rules!

The post-apocalyptic world of chernarus awaits you.
Apocalyptic towns and villages
a lot of different loot (weapons, clothes, food, radio&cassettes, ... )
Zombies are slow but dangerous and hard to kill (use headshots)...
Zomies are able to open doors!!
There are also Zombie hordes - don't let them surround you
AI players and patrols will encounter you / Friendly AI will help and (optional) follow you
You can get infected with the zombi virus
You can have a dog as a companion
Crash sites & Airdrops (with medical, military, basebuild- or other stuff) - Look for red smoke to find the Dropzone - but attention, airdrops attract zombies
Houses and garbage can be searched for loot
There are different TRADERS (Balota, GreenMountain, 2x Kamanka, NEAF, Krasnostav, Svetloyarsk) where you can buy different stuff, parts or vehicles
There is also a black market trader near Tisy (buy and sell high-end stuff)
Airstrikes with gas, bombs and tactical nuclear bombs (if you hear a siren, better run away!)
Gas and nuclear contaminated areas
Build your own base / territory with territory flag (ensures long-time-persistent)
nail up the windows of houses or build your own house (log cabin)
Lots of items to set up your base (furniture like lockers, fridges, cupboards, beds, plants, sheeds, houses, greenhouses...)
lots of building material (cement, pallets, sandbags, metal, wood,...)
vanilla, expansion and CabinMod base build
Missions (e.g. B. collect and deliver items, free hostages, kill zombies,..)
many vehicles (cars, vans, motorcycles, trucks, helicopters) including inventory in car!
Seasons and temperatures with summer, fall, and winter (dress accordingly)
many new Sounds... inventory sounds, sounds when aiming and moving the weapon, adjusted Stammina settings, etc.
"Skip the night" function - just lay down at night - and hope that other players do it same - if all players sleeps, the night skips until sunrise

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Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 6 Dedicated Hardcore