EU DayZone | Increased loot and vehicles | Map+ | Base build

EU DayZone | Increased loot and vehicles | Map+ | Base build
Server Information
Hostname EU 7AAR | New Player friendly | Increased Loot| Boss Zombies |
Status Checked 2 hours ago / Online 35 days ago
Players 0 / 70
Location Germany
Version 1.23.157045
Platform Windows
Map chernarusplus
Registered by elimx
Registered since December 9th, 2023 11:36 AM EST
Last update January 3rd, 2024 02:18 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 6064
Score 0
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to DayZone

Embark on an unforgettable DayZ adventure in our European DayZone server!

Server Features:

Increased Loot and Vehicles: Explore the post-apocalyptic world with bountiful resources and an abundance of vehicles to enhance your survival experience.
Map+ Expansion: Discover more of Chernarus and beyond with additional map features that promise new challenges and hidden treasures.
Base Building: Establish your stronghold and defend it against the dangers of the wasteland. Create a home that stands the test of time.

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 70 Dedicated Hardcore