Pathogen -X- PVE

Server Information
Hostname Pathogen X Jungle|Jurassic Warfare|BBP+|Raids|PvP|Loot++
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 30
Location United Kingdom
Version 1.25.158396
Platform Windows
Registered by Pathogen
Registered since August 12th, 2022 06:58 AM EST
Last update August 12th, 2022 08:44 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated
Vote(s) 0
Rank 180
Score 4
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Looking for a laid back, mostly PVE server ?

Why not join the Pathogen -X- community, a relaxed chill out zone aimed mostly at new players but all are welcome. We have a small Admin team who are mostly active throughout the day and are always willing to help out the new players.

A few of our mods include - CannabisPlus, Cars, Cassettes, Flight system heliz, Heliz landing pads, Bed respawning, MMG, BBP, Cabins, and many more in which we can still build on.

Come check it out for yourself.