DayZ Status Report - 14 April 2015

Posted on April 14th, 2015 03:27 PM EST
Greetings Survivors, 

Build 0.55 has been on the Steam/Stable branch for a few weeks now, and with the new systems in place with this build we were able to gather some incredibly valuable bug data from all you eager beaver Early Access participants. That said, and before we get into details on this week and the plan moving forward a few words need to be mentioned. 

Much like the warnings placed on the DayZ Store Page, and the DayZ Launch Screen, as well as the stickies on the DayZ Steam Forums - The Early Access program provides you with development builds of the project, not access to a feature, or functionally complete game. As this year progresses, more and more parts of the Enfusion engine and its accompanying technology will be merged into the main branch. This means things will break, sometimes things will break -hard-. We utilize the experimental branch to flesh out any catastrophically game breaking issues (think client crashes, server freezes, high repro progression loss, and so on) and at the end of the month the most stable development build gets pushed to Steam for all of you to poke, experiment, and have fun with. Testing is done in three tiers, each tier scaling up in load and volume. Internal, Experimental, Main (Stable) - and make no mistake. All three branches are for testing.  
So as we move forward to 0.56 and beyond, keep that detail in mind. Systems will break, bugs and interruptions of gameplay will occur - and as I will detail below, nothing finds the cracks in the stonework like throwing a rotation of roughly a million active players at a build and seeing how it holds up. 

Through extensive monitoring of both private shard and public hive servers on 0.55 the team were able to identify two key bugs in the new loot and economy systems that did not appear in proper detail on experimental branch. These two separate issues affected the core persistence mechanic of DayZ in different, but similar ways. On one hand, we discovered aberrant behavior in item respawn positions, and the other (over this last weekend) we discovered loot respawning causing corruption in the primary persistence binarization (which caused some servers to believe it was "okay" to be operating at 20,000 items less than the defined red-line). 

These two bugs are the primary focus of the members of the gameplay programming team responsible for the loot economy, and player progression - and will be included in the 0.56 update (scheduled for early in May). In an effort to mitigate the issue in the mean time, during the Wednesday maintenance period this week we will be switching servers over to the legacy placeholder loot spawning system. Unfortunately this means some of the newer items won't spawn, but it will keep the economies going until 0.56 hits stable branch. 
Paired with this hotfix, we will be instructing GSPs to reset the persistence structure for each stable branch server. So pack up those tents post haste. Moving forward we'll be segregating the base building type objects from the main persistence structure, so in the case of any issues like this popping up again during development - player camps will not be effected. 

On a more fun note, The Survivor GameZ are holding the Survivor GameZ VI this upcoming Sunday - Frequently coined the "Super Bowl of DayZ" we'll be seeing some very well known personalities from across the Twitch and DayZ content creation sphere going head to head in a 2 man team based fight to the death. Live streamed on 4 seperate free roaming cameras and no less than 15 competitor twitch channels. 

Vidéo YouTube™: Survivor GameZ VI Trailer - April 19th 1pm PT/9pm GMT 
Vues : 1,936
The Survivor GameZ VI Finals features a rocking roster of top-notch streaming talent in an epic battle to the death between 16 teams of two.

Keep an eye on their twitter account @Survivor_GameZ for more information! 

- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer 

Standup Notes for the week of 14 Apr 15
(Note: Standup notes are not a change log - they are a quick high level look at tasks the teams worked on throughout this week) 

  • GAZ Volga
  • Ikarus
  • UMP 45, VSS, Mauser polishing
  • New Zombie Models
  • School Env. Objects
  • Roadblock Objects
  • Central Economy
  • Firearms Recoil
  • Tripwire Traps
  • Firearms Noise (AI Related)
  • Drying Food
  • Cooking via Stick
  • Object Placement
  • Player / Infected Stamina
  • SVD Configuration
  • Inventory refactorization
  • Dynamic Events
  • Vehicle Transmission bugfixing
  • Adv. Loot Distro Bugfixing
  • Persistence Bugfixing
  • Advanced Loot Distro bugfixing
  • Character Controller
  • Login Que Design
  • New Damage Sys.
  • Crash Fixes

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